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Monday, November 14, 2011

Recall Success.....D.E.P. Failure? TWW workers court injunction vacated!

First off, it appears that due to vague D.E.P. regulations and specifics into how many Technicians are needed, a Superior Court Judge vacated a hold on the firing and or laying off of certain Trenton Water Works employees who testified before a grand jury against Mayor Tony Mack's brother Stanley Davis.

The decision was handed down today and at question is whether the level of Technicians needed is six or not.

George Dougherty who represents the Plaintiffs wrote in an e-mail that everyone involved is considering the next course of action to take.

Secondly, as you may have heard, 9,800 Trenton citizens failed to sign the Recall Petition. We ended up more than 1,000 signatures shy of the State Recall regulation goal.

I still consider the recall effort a success!

1. We showed, well, eight thousand and a half of us showed the community that Trenton is not filled with sheep who follow the herd.

That Trenton has citizens that will put up a fight when it comes to corruption and mismanagement in our beloved City.

If only all Trentonians were as brave and involved as the 8,500 Trentonians who signed that petition; Trenton would be the shining star of the state, that it should be!

The official, and sadly, final press release by the Recall Committee is below:

Final Recall Press Release PDF


  1. Does the Court's vacating of the order to hold the firing of the three individuals now cause those individuals to exercise their right, as notified by Civil Service, to bump three meter readers? If so, will one meter reader in particular actually be laid off? That meter reader, although not working as a meter reader, is none other than Harold Hall's nephew, Charles Hall? Or will Tony Mack defy Civil Service and fire (terminate) the three technicians?

    What hasn't been addressed is the question of how laying off three (actually five were targeted and two were laid off) water utility funded employees helps or helped the City lower its salary expense in order to allow the City to try to balance the City budget. As most know, the expenses associated with water utility budget have no impact on the City budget except for the possibility of decreasing the amount of money the City is legally allowed to transfer from the water utility surplus to the City's general fund.
